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Nature in Australia


Discovering Australia’s Great Natural Treasures

The Beautiful Australian Landscapes


Australia is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. The island nation is home to truly unique flora and fauna that is found nowhere else in the world. The appeal and allure of Australia’s diverse landscape, natural beauty and one of a kind wildlife is what makes it such a special location. Here are some natural examples:

Go See the Sea

The Great Barrier Reef, Australia’s most impressive marine attraction, is the world’s largest and most colorful reef. It’s located in the Coral Sea along the northeast coast of Australia, and stretches out over almost 3.5 hundred thousand square kilometers. This unique reef is made up of 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands, and it’s so vast that it can be seen from space. A World Heritage Site since 1981,the Great Barrier is home to thousands of sea species and billions of corral polyps. It can be explored by boat or by diving; several organized exploration tours go out every day.

According to a study conducted by the National Academy of Science, more than half of the reef’s coral has died since 1985. Roughly 75% of this devastating loss occurred since 1998 as a result of pollution, an increased presence of crown-of-thorns starfish, fishing, and additional hazards.

However, Marine scientists believe that the biggest threat of all is global worming which is raising the temperature of the water and causing coral bleaching. Many environmental initiatives are working together to raise awareness and rehabilitate this natural treasure.
Western Australia is an expansive and comparatively untouched region of the country and its landscapes and coastlines are truly spectacular. Between April to July, those lucky enough can dive with the migratory whale sharks that pass-through Ningaloo Reef, one of the world’s greatest fringing coral reefs. King George and Mitchel Falls, two of the mightiest and most dramatic waterfalls in Australia are also worth a visit, one can reach them by foot or take a helicopter trip and see them from up high.

Australia’s Time Capsules

The rainforests of Australia offer a trip into history and prehistory, with plant-life dating back to the age of dinosaurs and many historical aboriginal sites. Australia has some of the oldest and largest rainforests in the world. They stretch across the country and include both climatic type – temperate and tropical.


The Gondwana Rainforests, previously called the Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves, are the largest subtropical rainforests in the world. The greatest Gondwanan rainforest in Australia lies in the Tarkine wilderness of Tasmania. It contains the Savage River National Park and has been described by the Australian Heritage Council as “one of the world’s great archaeological regions”.

With abundant open spaces, great mountain ranges, lush rainforests, red desert expanse, and endless marine attractions, Australia offers something for everyone.

Get to Know Us

Desert Experiences


The great red expanse that occupies most of the country’s land mass is often overlooked by travelers, aside from those visiting Ularu, also known as Ayers Rock. The great rock in the center of the country is visited by thousands of tourists each week and it is of great spiritual importance to the aboriginal people of the area.


Hiking the Larapinta Trail in South Australia may be challenging for some but it’s a breathtaking experience. Passing through vast flood plains, rocky outcrops and the trademark red earth sweeps, one is reminded just how small we are in comparison to our beautiful nature.

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